
Prompt: Comfort Me with Apples (The Song of Solomon, 2:5)

(Prompt: "Comfort Me with Apples", quote from The Song of Solomon, 2:5, King James Version , prompt from The Writer's Retreat Kit by Judy Reeves ) Comfort me with apples the smell of freshly baked pie wafting through the kitchen window on the first days of autumn. The feeling of home of the love of family and of friends brought together under a banner of falling leaves. Apple tarts picked ripe from the tree from branch to oven in a moment Dough rolled out by a loving hand sprinkled with spices. Tempt me with the sweetness fork with every bite rich and full with the hint of tartness beneath. The laughter of my brethren echoes across the mountains and hills seeing the young and the old together I am content.

Prompt: "Poetry Roots itself in the Dreamer" (from Judy Michaels)

Prompt: "Poetry roots itself in the dreamer" (quote from Judy Michaels , prompt from The Writer's Retreat Kit by Judy Reeves ) Poetry roots itself in the dreamer Words bubble to the top like a glass of lazy seltzer water. The bubbles burst and release their voice quiet and brief. You have to listen carefully catch it in the right moment then write it for posterity. Sometimes it doesn't show itself in the bright sun of the day.. It sneaks around at the dead of night when your eyes are closed and your consciousness travels to other inner worlds. That's where it takes hold. The river of words which arrives, then stays there waiting to be discovered hidden until the right time the right place for it to crash forth to be heard.

Poem: 16 Words for Love

(6 Greek, 5 Hindu, 2 Japanese, 2 Chinese...and 1 English) There are sixteen words for love: 1) Agape , unconditional with no if, and, or but my goodwill towards all 2) Eros , physical purely an appreciation of the body with the soul. 3) Philia , brotherly love affectionate regard friendship 4) Storge , parental from a mother or a father to a child. 5) Philautia , to oneself concerned with one's own happiness or advantage 6) Xenia , hospitality welcome to my house mi casa e tu casa. 7) Kama , longing craving for the senses pleasure of all kinds 8) Shringara , rapture emotional bonding the giddiness of your presence 9) Maitri , compassion giving love in so many little ways food, comfort, kindness 10) Bkhati , devotion praying to your Deity day after day for peace 11) Atma-Prema , love for self we are all one, there is no distinction, no difference 12) Kachou Fuugetsu , love of nature feel the wind in the trees, the heat of the sun and get to know yourself 13) Koi no Yokan , love a

Poem: Defy the Algorithm

If all you look at are numbers statistics popularity you can be primed for disappointment. Four views three of those blogs promoting crypto and AI. Negativity and drama fueling clicks and arguments. Pandering to an audience hungry for content. Bad news generate revenue good news generate grumbling "this never happened. give me proof it did". Bite sized chunks for a ant sized attention span. Flashy music and graphics fake smiles and outrage hollow laughter covers unease. Desensitized to the horrors that life can unleash. "It could be worse" backseat analysts pass judgment. The hidden gems are buried in the dross: you have to make the effort to find them. If you want to open your mind and your heart and lift your spirits defy the algorithm.

Prompt: Sketches ("It was Drawn on the Back of an Envelope")

The randomness of it all: teddy bears, smiley faces and the faces of customers sitting in the diner Quick pen strokes capturing the weariness the cheerfulness the hustle and bustle of servers coming and going from the kitchens shouting "corner!" to prevent collisions and the chatter of the old style cash register. Tiny pictures crammed into every available space a capture of a time when all eyes are turned away but a snapshot of the moment still exists.

Prompt: The World without Music

Prompt: A World without Music (from The Writer's Retreat Kit by Judy Reeves ) It was strange, to move about with absolutely no sound. No birdsong, no rustle of leaves in the trees, no soft footfall in your wake. A world of complete, utter silence. Yes, every color was perfectly balanced to the eye. The feel of silk as it whispered across your skin. The tart sweetness of a newly peeled orange on your tongue.The smell of roses and wintergreen and the aroma of a homecooked meal. Yet something feels off, not quite right. Although everything else in this world is perfect, it is not perfect. There is something missing, something quite important. The world is bathed in perpetual quiet, and it's unnerving.  

Poem: Double Sided Candle

  The candle burns brightly from both ends as the storm quiets down the flames flicker as they slowly reach towards each other not at the same speed or at the same intensity. The wick that runs through slowly and inevitably brings them together it may take days weeks months years as wax sizzles and drips onto the floor and freeze into all sorts of shapes out of view and forgotten. Will they finally meet or will one burn out before they can immolate each other?